On the moon discovered “agricultural plots “

On the moon discoveredPhoto from open sources

Enthusiasts leading the popular ufological and conspiratorial YouTube channel “Disclose Screen”, shared with followers another potentially sensational discovery. By researchers said they viewed satellite images of the dark side of the moon and decided to look into the craters of Selena.

Having done this, ufologists processed the images in a photo editor and unexpectedly noticed in large impact craters natural Earth satellite something amazing. There were huge greenish rectangles suspiciously similar to imprinted land-cultivated land from a bird’s eye view plots.

Are there really fields on the heavenly body closest to us, cultivated by representatives of extraterrestrial civilization? Find Authors and many netizens believe that yes, this is entirely possible. Meanwhile, skeptics claim that we are just image artifacts caused by satellite compression photos.

Many researchers are convinced that the dark side of the moon, which impossible to observe from the Earth and on which the foot never set foot human beings must hide countless puzzles. And it is possible that prospective fields with green crops are only an insignificant example of such moonlit wonders. Of course, it is rather total, not farmland, but something else, but the artificial origin of these “lunar sites” is difficult not notice and it’s impossible to just shrug it off …


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