On the moon found a runway and a huge UFO

On the moon found a runway and a huge UFOPhoto from open sources

Famous Russian ufologist, conspirator and virtual archaeologist Valentin Degterev, who has recently become popular not only among compatriots, but also among users of English segment of the World Wide Web, made a new amazing discovery. By According to the Ural specialist, he examined satellite images Moon and found on its surface a runway, which, according to official science, cannot be there.

In addition, Valentine believes that the presence of a spaceport in Selena “green men” frightened off in 1969 the Americans who flew there during the Apollo 11 mission. The researcher is convinced that NASA astronauts actually were on the moon, however they ended up there not alone. Degterev found a huge unidentified flying object not far from the american spacecraft on archival pictures of this mission. According to an expert, astronauts did several dozen photos of the monstrous “flying saucer”, however NASA employees did not have access to it.

Why these images were freely available remains for ufologist a real mystery. However, it has long been known that US National Space Agency censors work not too carefully. Or maybe they are for certain reasons give such information to the townsfolk in small portions specially? ..

As for the mysterious runway, it has very large length and perfect evenness. Naturally, the author of the find excludes its natural origin. Aerodrome aliens look like a concrete structure from above, however extraterrestrial civilization is unlikely used the same building materials on the moon as man – on their the blue ball. Most likely, their “concrete”, albeit artificial origin, however, has much stronger and more durable properties, since the alien runway, apparently built here a very long time ago and is still preserved, despite cruel cosmic influences, because the moon has no atmosphere, protecting its surface …

NASA’s moon

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