Photos from open sources of
Many of us probably know the so-called Face of Mars, captured in 1976 by NASA’s Viking-1 spacecraft. The once sensational picture clearly shows a huge humanoid face on the surface of the red planet.
Despite the ongoing debate whether it was a man-made statue or a bizarre optical illusion, many ufologists are convinced: the face of Mars is reliable proof of presence on a distant heavenly body intelligent of life.
A photo from open sources
Now, a certain anonymous amateur astronomer has discovered image of a human head on the surface of the moon using a telescope equipped with a camera. On the frame you can clearly see the oval of the face, eyes, nose and open mouth of anthropomorphic object. Some experts claim that this find looks like a person’s face even more than the legendary Face of Mars.
Well, skeptics, of course, insist that we are talking about paradyolic illusions when our brain sees “faces” in random objects and textures. They say in primitive times this a brain feature allowed our distant ancestors to notice among greens of predators and enemies, thereby saving from possible death. A what is it for us for? Maybe it teaches us to see more fully and multifaceted the world around us, in which not everything is as simple and simple as are we presented with materialists and impenetrable skeptics? ..
Illusions Moon Mars