On the updated galactic map revealed mysterious “star strings”

Mysterious Revealed on the Updated Galactic MapA photo from open sources

Last spring, the research apparatus “Gaia” handed over Scientists data on the movement in our galaxy of 1.7 billion stars. For over a year now, researchers have been processing an array of data, periodically making new discoveries. The most interesting was the discovery of the so-called “star strings” which are huge formations of peer stars.

During the study, scientists from Washington decided to search stars that originated in one part of the Milky Way and may have same age. Near the solar system was also discovered several such star clusters. After analyzing the motion of the stars, Scientists have identified about 2,000 clusters of objects that have a “related communication. ”

A photo from open sources

The discovered groups of luminaries are located at a distance of about 3000 years from our planet, most of them are elongated in the form of strings. what interestingly, younger stars did not leave their place occurring in different directions, but united with their “relatives” in the group. The stability of these groups is maintained by several billion years. This fact intrigued scientists very much.

However, there is a more interesting point – the very location of these strings. The strings composed of old stars parallel to the arms of the Milky Way. Young strings stars up to 100 million years old are housed perpendicular to them. Perhaps billions of years later, these strings will also unfold.

Researchers are now trying to find out if this the position of the stars is a regularity or is influenced by other galactic forces.

Earlier ESOREITER talked about the discovery of scientists: we live in warped galaxy.

Andrey Vetrov

Milky Way galaxies

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