A photo from open sources
In addition to the flat-earths, who believe that we live on such “pancake”, there are also supporters of the hollow Earth, and according to this theory, inside our planet is another world (see this video), quite possibly populated by a highly developed civilization, which did not suffer from global natural disasters, and therefore reached an unprecedented level of development that we even imagine hard.
But let’s leave the theory of the hollow Earth aside, we don’t figure out what the planet as a whole represents – ball, pancake or ellipse. Indeed, during rotation, the Earth inevitably contracts poles, and therefore theoretically round ball theoretically does not work. Scientists determined this long before they appeared in orbit artificial satellites confirming this theory with Earth surface monitoring.
True, the monitoring itself showed that the Earth is not only flattened, its mass is also unevenly distributed due to mountains, depressions, lithospheric continental and oceanic plates. And therefore, created in after all, the 3D model of our planet, scientists say, proves that the Earth is not a ball or even even an ellipsoid, and a geoid.
A photo from open sources
This is the mysterious word “geoid”, which, if we turn to the same Wikipedia, there is “something like the Earth,” rather contributes additional confusion, which explains what actually is the shape of our planet. It’s hard for an ordinary person to understand that a geoid is our Earth only at sea level, given that in reality it has all kinds of bulges and hollows.
At one time, the Internet went around the “reconstruction” of the Earth without water – a kind of uneven space block with mountain “cones” and oceanic “holes”, for some reason became a viral picture, so like a layman – after all, it turns out, how uneven our planet! But pay attention to the amount of earthly water (photo below, where the big ball is all the salt water of the Earth, the small one is the whole fresh) in comparison with its mass. Also imagine the earth with a diameter of almost 13 thousand kilometers (12,742 km) and how much even the highest mountain of Jomolungma (Everest) can stand out 9 km and the deepest Mariinsky Depression 11 km. how experts say, a soccer ball that seems completely round to us, much more uneven in circumference than our planet.
A photo from open sources
And therefore, no matter what theorists say, whatever Earth models built, in principle, it is round. Well, on the planes, like scientists say, you just don’t need to pay attention because they are in their evidence is based only on the principle of imperfect human logic, according to which it can theoretically be proved that anything, even that black is white, and vice versa, that twice two will be five or even nine, like many other purely absurd things…