A photo from open sources Recently, scientists from Brown University decided conduct an unusual study and calculate how much water could located near the Martian volcano Arsia Mons. In their opinion, the heat of the volcano under a huge glacier in a relatively the recent past has promoted education on the Red Planet large lakes filled with water. And as you know, where there is water, there life may well be present. According to researchers, in the recent past of Arsia Mons, a volcano on Mars may have been source for the existence of life. Scientists have found that once the glacier was located at the foot of the volcano. This is indicated by corrugated terrain in the foreground. According to experts, eruptions occurred on the territory of the ice sheet, therefore, as a result of melting ice could form lakes of liquid water. It is worth noting that Arsia Mons is the highest volcano on the Red Planet, and also one of the largest mountains in the solar system. His high almost twice as high as Mount Everest. In the recent past monolithic ice covered the slopes of this giant volcano on Mars. In the analysis of the topography of the volcano, scientists found that 210 million years ago, when eruptions occurred, the Arsia Mons along the northwest side was covered by a glacier. Heat generated during eruption time, could then melt a huge amount of ice and form glacial lakes. Similar ponds often form in glaciers. According to one of the authors of the study, according to alleged lakes could contain hundreds cubic kilometers of meltwater, which could become a condition for the formation of a habitable environment and the existence of life. Term of 210 million years for an ordinary person seems like a huge period, but on in fact, for a volcano this is not so much what characterizes Arsia Mons, as one of the most interesting objects for the future research.
Water Volcanoes Life Mars