Orbit Tour

The space age of mankind enters the era of orbital tourism. Although the very idea of ​​space travel lay people arose among science fiction writers long before the first manned flights. Also in the middle of the last century, the famous writer Arthur Clark believed that in In 2014, the first hotels will appear in orbit. Apparently, he turned out to be a seer. Photos from open Sources of creative freedom, financial mobility and calculating insolence – private space travels to orbital arena. The first were super-rich. Seven Brave Space tourists in different years went into orbit in Russian “Unions”. Today, about 30 spacecraft projects are known. for tourist flights. They are developed by Russian specialists, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Israel and the USA. And the crazier the idea seems, the more chances there are for its realization. Full size mock Space Ship-2 at an exhibition publicly for outside of America introduced for the first time. Of course this plane flew not under its own power. But in the future, similar intercontinental Flights will be a matter of a few minutes for him. Now he calls genuine interest. Still – he will be the first to regular commercial vehicle for delivering people to orbit. “We want to make space accessible to all. Cost our flight – 200 thousand dollars, “says the Founder Virgin Corporation Richard Branson. Externally Commercial Space Ship-2 many have seen, but so far no one has been inside the ship. Through little hatch Richard Branson gets inside his dream. Considering. Two professional astronauts will be placed ahead six passengers behind. Richard takes a seat where they will be soon stand space chairs. His personal place in the first flight is closer to the porthole. There are a lot of them. To from space heights the flight could examine the Earth to all at once. “I like to dream, and I always dream. And most importantly – get into space and take with friends, “says Richard Branson. Already more than 500 people expressed a desire to fly into space. Part of its tourist they paid vouchers. In fact, and due to these financial investments space project is developing. Every tourist is a co-investor. Scotsman Brown Gelens dreamed of flying into space since childhood.

“I’m not an astronaut yet, but I’ll become one soon. I dreamed of becoming astronaut since seven years old. Since childhood, I wanted to walk in another planet “- says the applicant for the tourist space flight of brown gelens. He bought a ticket to space on the Internet site. The Russian Igor Kutsenko also wanted to become an orbital tourist – for now the only known Russian contender for a chair in space the ship. “I don’t have expensive things, expensive yachts, but for me it’s not is a value, the most important thing is emotions, ”says Igor Kutsenko. The show must go on – and now Branson will present a new rocket to the public. Leaning out of the window, he holds a mock Launch-1 launch vehicle, which in the near future will provide commercial satellite launches. Returned lander “Diamond” – 9 times in space – was tested for strength even in Soviet times. It can also become a commercial ship for flight of tourists. Cost is high, but real space is not suborbital. “We believe that at the moment real there is no competition for us. Because our capsules already exist. They are were tested, flew into space 9 times, while others all this only to be “, – says the lawyer of the project” Diamond “Arthur Dulla Another Russian rocket plane for tourist flights. Its long developed, but today things are going slowly – there is no funding. Although the advantage of this device is colossal. So it turns out without a co-investor, advanced developments may remain on the ground. “With this 16-seat project, we are even ahead of them in terms of capabilities. The main task, since this is a commercial event, is to project payback, and payback is at the expense of passengers “, – says the chief designer for aviation topics EMZ them. V.M. Myasishcheva Alexander Brook. The Russian space program is not It is aimed at flights of tourists. Science, not commercial benefit. However, the plans still have a tourist flight into space on a new Russian ship, but not earlier than 2015. Again, if there will be free places. In any case, the world is on the verge of a new phenomena – tourism not only planetary, but also galactic scale.

Missiles Russia

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