Orion ship launched into orbit

A photo from open sources

NASA staff launches spacecraft Orion. The ship launched from Cape Canaveral, from where NASA often launches its space shuttles.

There is no crew on board. The launch took place at three in the afternoon metropolitan time. Reporting on the launch, employees agencies noted that the device is currently on low Earth orbit, since this flight is test. If the ship justifies itself, then in the future it a brighter future awaits. The fact is that this is an apparatus multiple operation. So, most likely, on it for the first time, American astronauts will go to Mars.

The launch of the spacecraft went as planned, without any complications. Sensors that are literally packed spacecraft, operate continuously and transmit information about flight. All processes on board proceed as normal.

Orion reached orbit at the appointed time. According to the flight plan the device will fly around the planet twice, being at a distance of 5800 kilometers. This distance is known to be fourteen times exceeds the one on which the ISS is located from Earth. Will land apparatus off the coast of California. The main goal of the launch is determine the technical suitability of the ship for interplanetary travel.

NASA time

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