Our galaxy is taken in the ring

Alexander Berezin. Humanity is still regrettably superficial in their knowledge of the universe. So answer, where are we? IN Milky Way, hefty pancake formation with spiral sleeves, in which either 100, or 200, or 300 billion stars and even more planets. But where is this Milky Way located? Together with the nearby spiral Andromeda nebula (which is 2.5 million light years from us) The Milky Way is part of the Local Group galaxies. Participants last number more than fifty are closely related among themselves gravitationally. The length of the Local Group exceeds 3 million light-years, but about the “population” beyond and the nearest the neighbors of our Galaxy, we still know very little. Our Galaxy is taken in the ringPhotos from open sources Closest to our Galaxy 20 million light years contain a series of bright galaxies forming a ring in the center of which you can see the Milky Way. (Here and below illustrations by Marshall McCall / York University.) Astronomer Marshall McCall (Marshall McCall) from York University (Canada) tried to fill this gap. Everything is fixed in his work bright galaxies that are up to 35 million light-years distant from us. “All bright galaxies within a radius of 20 million light years, including ours, organized in the “Local Leaf”, having a diameter of 34 million light years and a thickness of only 1.5 million light-years, says Mr. McCall. – The Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebula are surrounded by 12 large approximately 24 million galaxies in a ring light years. ”12 of the 14 large galaxies of the“ Local Leaf ”, including us and our nearest neighbor, are spiral, with flattened disks there is still star formation here. The remaining two are non-flattened elliptical galaxies whose star formation in the past. Both are located on opposite sides of the aforementioned. “rings,” which Mr. McCall jokingly calls the “Council of the Giants.” As the scientist suggests, the material thrown away by these structures, could feed in due time “local group”, helping create large disks like what the Milky Way has and nebulae of Andromeda. The same ring, side view.

A photo from open sources In the “Council of the Giants,” says Marshall McCall, the direction of rotation of galaxies is built around a small rings in the sky. This is quite unusual and may be due to gravitational interaction between the same Milky Way and the Andromeda nebula, which was much larger in the past, billions of years ago when the universe was much smaller and the distance between the galaxies is much shorter. At the same time itself the formation of a structure similar to the “Council of Giants”, the scientist relates to the influence of high concentrations of dark matter (TM) in this area space. They became the center of gravity for ordinary matter, where later galaxies formed out of it. TM distribution in Universe expected close to the structure of the sponge, with flat “sheets” surrounded by “empty” areas, according to the astronomer, well describes the device “Local sheet”. Report on study published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (full text available). Prepared by materials of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Time Universe Galaxy Milky Way

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