The solar system, one of the planets of which, the Earth, turned out to be livable, may be unique in the series a huge number of other planetary systems that are in our Milky Way galaxy. Now scientists say that in The Milky Way planets are almost as many as the stars. For now scientists have discovered nearly 900 exoplanets outside the solar system, and another several thousand are waiting for their discovery.
A photo from open sources
Thanks to modern technology, the number of distant planets and The systems discovered over the past 15 years have grown significantly. Now scientists can even find planets no larger than the moon. Analyzing the orbits, masses, diameters and compositions of exoplanets, scientists found that many planets are made up of gases like Jupiter, and are no further from their star than Mercury is from the Sun. Behind the last 5 years, researchers unexpectedly discovered the most a common type of exoplanet that is not in the solar system – in size is something between Earth and Neptune. Similar planets much larger than planets the size of Jupiter. “Sometimes they are called “Super-Earth,” said study co-author Andrew Howard, astronomer of the University of Hawaii. Usually these “super-Earths” are larger of our Earth 1-3 times, and are much closer to their the star. The composition of exoplanetary systems that researchers are studying, help to better understand how planets form. According to one theory, a planet is born when gas quickly turns into a core. Another theory claims that the planet and its atmosphere are created due to gravitational instability. According to the theory of core growth, there should be more large planets around large stars. In these stars should have enough elements heavier than helium to the rings around the star formed the core of the future planet. For now this theory is closest to reality. But a lot still unknown about exoplanets, including the “super-Earths.” “Of what the super-Earths are made of, Howard wonders. – Consist are they from the mountains? Is there any water there? Or they, like Neptune, are made up of stone, water, and the atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium? ”
In addition, the emergence of such a “super-Earth” raises questions: whether it appeared in its place, or appeared in another orbit and moved closer to the star?
Sergey Vasilenkov
Galaxy Water Neptune Solar System Exoplanets Jupiter