Our Universe is One of the Development Options events: physics hypothesis

Our Universe is one of the scenarios: the hypothesis of the physicistA photo from open sources

Man used to believe that current reality is the only one aspect of being, and the other does not exist. However, scientists believe that there are many different options for reality – multiverse. At a certain point when various options for the development of events, the Universe simply branches out. American physicist Sean Carroll introduced this theory in his book “Something deeply hidden.”

According to this theory, each of us has his own reality and, accordingly, its own branch in the multiverse. Turns out that at the same time there are an infinite number of options reality, and for each of us there are parallel worlds, from which we refused, making a life-changing decision. Mankind only plays according to the laws of physics, believes Carroll.

Not a single expert, no matter how far he has advanced in his research, will not be able to say exactly how many universes exists at the same time. Most likely, Carroll believes, their the quantity is infinite.

In addition, the scientist believes that traveling between parallel universes impossible, for example, as represented in science fiction films or books. Moreover, the universes do not interact with each other at all, but to make the transition between worlds is necessary to overcome the speed of light.

However, physicist Brian Green believes that moving between Universes in certain cases are possible when, for example, their “contact” occurs. According to one theory, reality can be represented as a loaf of bread, which divided into slices. When the universes (slices) collide, crumbs are formed that can migrate from one universe to another one.

Andrey Vetrov


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