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By the end of this century, according to UN estimates, the Earth could become a home for 11 billion people. Pretty crowded, isn’t it? Arise various methods to solve this problem. For example, the president and founder of the nonprofit Martian society Robert Zubrin wants to settle humanity on Mars and he thinks he knows how do it at a reasonable price. The bottom line is to travel light and live off the abundant resources of Red the planet. For example, pioneers can generate oxygen and rocket fuel using the atmosphere of Mars and also get water from it the soil. Mars mud is rich in oxides of iron and silicon, so people will be able to get iron, steel and glass. They could produce plastics using water and carbon dioxide that dominate the composition of the atmosphere of Mars. Maximum purchase self-reliance is the ultimate goal, therefore costly trips to Land for resources is an optional “relocation” point. Everytime, when a newcomer to Mars is on a virgin surface a completely new world, there is inspiration for its knowledge. Interesting fact: the larger the population of the Earth, the more those who want it to leave. The number of people who call the earth their home, rapidly increasing. Technology is developing in the world, growing the wealth of society and, accordingly, population growth, people will appear, wishing to leave an overpopulated planet. The sphere is gaining momentum private space flights. SpaceX went down in history as the first private freight company to international space stations, and this is just the beginning. Founder company claims that SpaceX will help humanity to master and colonization of other planets. Earth’s population increase is obviously will push humanity to achieve such ambitious plans. TO In addition, many rich enthusiasts who are ready to go to Mars help initiate and fund various studies that can give impetus to new knowledge and ways to survive on Mars. Moreover, an increase in the world’s population will lead to a shortage natural resources that can be supplied from Mars, or from other places in the solar system. For example, energy. The earth gets less than 1% of the amount of energy that the sun gives. In the future, you can will build solar power satellites and thus provide humanity with energy. In addition, some asteroids possess a large number of platinum group metals – platinum, ruthenium, palladium, osmium, iridium, rhodium – which are key components of almost all electronic devices. Enrichment will lead to an overall improvement in the quality of life, that in the future will be able to stop the population growth on our planet. Sociologists have proven that fertility tends to decline in Consistent with the growth of per capita income. Besides all the advantages of space migration, the experience of being on an alien planet able to draw people’s attention to the problems of the Earth, teach them more appreciate it, accelerate the processes of solving political, economic and environmental issues.
Water Mars SpaceX