Physicists have found evidence that the universe is giant brain

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The idea of ​​the universe as a “giant brain” was proposed by scientists – and science fiction writers – for decades. But now physicists say there may be some evidence that this is actually true, writes huffingtonpost. In a way. According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, The Universe Can Grow Like A Giant Brain – With electrical discharges between “mirror” brain cells in the form an expanding galaxy. Computer simulation results show that “natural growth dynamics” is a path of development systems – the same for different types of networks – whether The Internet, the human brain, or the universe as a whole. Coauthor Research by Dmitry Kryukov of the University of California at San Diego says these systems are very different, but they developed in a very similar way. As a result, argue scientists, the universe is really evolving like a brain. Study raises serious questions about how the universe works, said Hooks. “For physicists, this is a direct signal – not yet understanding how nature works, “he said A team of researchers simulated life very early Universe, immediately after the Big Bang, considering as quantum space-time units smaller than subatomic particles, form one network with another during the development of the universe. They are found that modeling is a mirror image of others networks. Some links between similar sites were the result limited growth, while others acted as nodes for a variety of relationships. For example, some connections are limited and similar – like a person who loves sports and attends many sports websites – and some of them are large and Connect the most diverse parts of the network, such as Google and Yahoo. Not, this does not mean that the universe is “thinking” – but as already previously stated on the Internet, this may simply mean that there are much more similarities between very small and very larger than it seems at first glance.

Time Universe

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