Physicists have named a new cause of death when jumping into the black hole

Astronomers and astrophysicists not only seek confirmation of the theory relativity and study volcanoes on the moons of Jupiter. They also find out what will happen to those jumping into a black hole by man. Photo from open sources Photo: Rambler Obviously, he writes Nature News, he will die. The only question is how exactly and how much quickly. It was previously thought that at some point the difference in the forces of gravity acting on different parts of the body will reach critical value and tear a person apart (recall the formula the law of universal gravitation – force is equal to the product of the masses, divided by the square of the distance; legs may be closer to black hole than the head, hence the difference in (M black hole x Mastronaut) / r2). Further to the superdense core somewhere below the horizon events fall torn to atoms atoms and that’s all ends – the event horizon is called the sphere, beyond which does not even come out of the light. But new calculations carried out Joseph Polchinski of the Cavli Institute of Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara (the same one familiar from the old television series!) Says in favor of a different scenario. Even before gravitational forces become too large, a person falling into a black hole will burn in generated by the quantum effects of a fire storm. That is, in the stream particles generated by quantum effects near the event horizon. In principle, radiation can occur near a black hole, physicists have known for a long time. The radiation predicted by the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and named after him, arises for account for the creation of a pair of particles in a vacuum. A similar effect may have a place anywhere, however particles are always born in pairs from a particle and antiparticles, which then annihilate with each other, after which we do not see or notice anything: the final balance is zero in ordinary space. But not near the event horizon, which can absorb one of these particles and leave the other without its antipode. In this case, annihilation is not possible, so if the energy of this newborn particle is large enough, then it goes away from the black hole. But the calculations of Hawking and others theorists have also argued that the black hole more or less significant mass (that is, in several masses of the Sun, these are the ones that occur when stars die) gives too weak radiation that is unlikely to harm a hypothetical suicide. New article submitted by Polczynski and his colleagues, made a splash in 2012 among professional community because it claimed otherwise – around a black hole a real quantum storm can rage. We will not now go into details and talk in detail about how physicists came to this conclusion, and let’s say the most important: why is it the study is not at all idle thoughts of scientists on topics like “what will be if … “(with a description of some impossible situation). that scientists now do not have a quantum theory of gravity. Gravitational fields are described by the general theory of relativity (her one hundred years will soon turn out and it has been checked many times, about one from checks we wrote literally this morning), the microworld described by quantum mechanics (and its proof – right before you, computers would not have existed without quantum mechanics), however in quantum mechanics there is nothing about gravity, but in GRT there is nothing about quantum effects. And make a unified theory of gravitational and of all other fields is the most important task of modern science. Quantum processes near black holes thus turn out to be An ideal subject to study. There are quantum effects, and gravity it is not surprising that black holes are actively explored as astrophysicists (Russian radio telescope Radioastron, aka Spektr-R lists black holes in the center of galaxies as a priority goal) and theorists. Question of what will happen to the suicide astronaut is thus partly similar to the issue about the Schrödinger cat – it’s clear that no one put the cats in boxes with quantum detectors and hydrocyanic acid ampoules, but this one a thought experiment rightfully occupied an important place in quantum theories. Warning: do not try to repeat it yourself. Readers from Rospotrebnadzor: we urge everyone else use extreme caution when handling black holes and, in features with active galactic nuclei! Jump in jets and climb in the ergosphere is not worth it!

Galaxy Gravity Stephen Hawking Black Hole

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