Pipe fragment discovered on Mars

A piece of pipe discovered on MarsPhotos from open sources of

For virtual archaeologists, as NASA ironically remarks, no nothing complicated, at least every day to find on Mars (Martian images presented just by American aerospace agency) something out of the ordinary.

Ufologists may well add: find from what NASA employees did not have time (failed for their small Interests) to die out or hide behind seven locks. Indeed, this time, independent researchers at one of photos sent by the Curiosity rover in the Sharp mountain area found an object very similar to a piece of pipe.

A photo from open sources

The question is, where on a supposedly lifeless planet can “born” is such a clearly man-made detail? True, skeptics except another paradydolic illusion, they immediately found another the realistic reason for the appearance of a tube-like object on Mars is he was left by the rover himself. True, NASA’s leadership has never announced that something had fallen off the rovers, although such information must necessarily pass in the press.

Even virtual archaeologists admit that cruel Martian winds and temperature changes could trim the stone to such “technical” type, but the most likely version seems to be that this detail near Mount Sharp was left by aliens. Today even NASA’s conservative leadership recognizes their presence in our The solar system (not to mention other scientists – watch the video), which means – on Mars, although as soon as it comes specifically to Red Planet, employees of the American Space Agency they immediately forget about the aliens.

And this circumstance seems very conspiracy theorists suspicious, especially against the background of slipping information about secret space exploration of the Americans and their interstellar programs in which NASA acts as a distracting player. If this is so, then maybe a piece of pipe on Mars is quite terrestrial origin? Like so much more found by ufologists and online archaeologists …


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