A photo from open sources A nearly one and a half coronal hole thousands of globes suddenly appeared at the south pole of our luminary: NASA images show this anomaly as said in all its glory.
The disappearance of such a huge amount of matter is simply impossible if you are guided only by those laws of physics, which form the basis of our perception of the universe.
Therefore, orthodox scholars are at a loss: what happened? Maybe this is not a hole at all, but dark matter, into existence which not everyone believes, because experimentally existence is simply not proven, but theoretically, as orthodox, you can assume anything.
Therefore, they put forward their theory: perhaps this “failure” simply filled with a combination of carbon and nitrogen, which at high temperatures began to behave in an unpredictable way. In any case astronomers will have to conduct a thorough study in order to uncover the reason for this mystery. They have not really figured out yet “dark heart” of our luminary, which manifested itself in the beginning October of this year, and here – on you, one more surprise …
So far, only one thing is clear: our knowledge of the Sun is far from the truth and they urgently need to be reviewed, as, by the way, and much more about the structure of the universe and the world around us.
A photo from open sources
Sun universe