People, throughout a long history, always believed in signs, signs, miracles. And so were our ignorant and superstitious ancestors? Is it with our modern intelligence and denial of everything higher and inexplicable, do not say in secret: “God help me …”, do not follow certain rituals in life? So where does this one come from? inner fear, why with hope look at the sky? What’s in distant and cold universe, what do we expect?
A photo from open sources The very word – “sign” – is very capacious and covers all human experience and its spiritual insights. The etymology of this word is directly related to the verb “know.” IN religious sense (from Heb. “carried” or “from”) – a sign is a guarantee or evidence of the approval of the covenant, or evidence of anything coming, a visible sign of God, as an experience of experience “supernatural events.” This is immediately followed The following categories are like revelation and prophecy. They are called reveal and clarify the meaning of these signs, connect them with the world the history of the development of earthly humanity. But see beyond the signs the clear light of the truth of the distant future is not possible therefore, both prophecies and revelations are written in the language of symbols and images that by virtue of their spiritual abilities and conveys man into the outside world. However, history knows another experience – in at the beginning, people were given revelations or prophecies, and their confirmations were certain signs. Apparently this experience we are experiencing today.
At the end of February, two amazing signs took place – this “the abdication of the pope” (Benedict XVI) and “fire from heaven” (meteorite over Chelyabinsk, lightning over the Vatican).
And, if we consider “fire from heaven” as a sign of God performed a certain prophecy, the pope’s abdication is a direct indication to the prophecy itself. And this prophecy is associated with the name of St. Malachi. About him, Pope Innocent II:
“May everyone prostrate before him! For this man is sent down to God Himself! ”
His manuscript was found at the end of the 16th century. and was called “Prediction of the popes.” The penultimate dad was Benedict XVI, it was spoken of as the “Glory of the Olive.” Associated with this events that a new pope could become a Jew, and on the other hand, Oliva is a symbol of peace and there will come a long-awaited peace between nations and prosperity throughout the earth. But at the same time they forget the main thing that olive fruits are bitter and not to everyone’s taste. Apparently this moment is like a forerunner for the last dad Roman:
“At the end of time, the place of the Holy Roman Church will take Peter Romanov who will feed the weak-willed, making many disasters. At this time, the City of Seven Hills will be destroyed and The monstrous Judge will judge people. The end.”
Who are these “weak-willed” and what “calamities” does Malachi speak of? Today it is becoming increasingly clear that religion and the church experiencing both a spiritual and a moral crisis. All efforts Church ministers are secretly and explicitly aimed primarily at increase of wealth and concealment of negative aspects of activity priests and the eradication of dissent. But people’s thinking is inertial and, having nothing in return, they habitually turn to God. By more that with its invisibility and unknowability, it is possible to do in unity with himself, with his conscience. They are far from religious fanaticism, when you only need to believe in holy things, not think and not reason. These are people with a “sleeping consciousness” – they there are “limp”. They should say, “Awake!” But they will want Do they have this, is it so comfortable to sleep in a “warm bed”? And many will wait until the development of events forcibly will throw them out of this “bed”. But where do they wake up, what will it be for peace, who will Faith be in? This is that inner fear “ostrich behavior”, will face the Truth that and conveyed to people the Bible for millennia. Not surprising whether we know that the sacred Teaching of the Gods was hidden in the Bible back in those days when “people and gods lived together,” reached us only certain fragments of this Teaching, thanks to “efforts” church ministers, but we have an animal fear of accepting The truth is “… the city of the Seven Hills will be destroyed …”. This and two signs preceded – “the abdication of the pope” and “fire from heaven”!
The whole Bible rests on the “Seven Hills” – this is the Seven Days Creations, her singing chapters called “Genesis” or “Cosmology Moses. “It is this Doctrine that is the cornerstone of all religion and faith, the foundation and foundation of the church. In this teaching the secret meaning of man’s creation is revealed, who were our gods and to whom we must ultimately worship. Will our faith be true or will remain in the darkness of ignorance and religious fanaticism?
Ever since historical times, there has been a steady view of that the biblical god Elohim is a universal god. It’s him created heaven and earth, created the sun, moon and stars. Church, with of its part, in every possible way supported and strengthened this image in various comments and sermons. Even today at the level of ours modern knowledge, silently and bashfully accepted this thesis. But why, where is the cause of false submission hidden? This is due only by the fact that today there is no disclosure of the true the meaning of the Doctrine, which is set forth in the text of Genesis. As soon as this Truth will be known to earthly humanity, the “End” will come, as Malachi wrote. But not the end of humanity, but the end of a hidden secret! The role of religion and the church will be fulfilled – it has preserved and conveyed to descendants of this Doctrine. And already at the level of spiritual insight of these descendants will become possible to further learn this Truth. But will she does the church voluntarily surrender its position? After all, this, and the situation in society, and influence, and wealth. Of course not, that’s why they will be “… many misfortunes are perpetrated,” not for the sake of Truth and Faith, but for own well-being.
The mystery of the divine Doctrine was hidden under two “layers” – this language and words and the second layer of concealment are symbols and images. Thanks scribes, rabbis, theologians, there is a huge archive of various religious texts, teachings, commentaries, etc. They tried so is the distortion of translations of the biblical text and introducing into its secret meaning the earthly spirit and then it is logical bring the whole story to the family of Abraham. Already a comparison of various Bible editions, shows the ambiguity of translations of their texts “the Torah has seventy faces.” Against this background, especially stands out the mystical translation of F. de Olive “Cosmogony of Moses”, who was not subject to pressure and censorship by the church. is he difficult to understand, but largely clarifies and complements the text bibles. Until today, no one has managed to penetrate through a layer of characters and images. This can only be done on basis of meta-historical analysis, at the level of development of modern knowledge and finally understand – who were the biblical gods Elohim, how they created man and why.
A mistake was made in the first sentence of the bible text translation or falsified crucial word. Elohim not “created”, but “divided” Heaven and Earth! Bible god never was the god of the universe! If the text of the bible speaks of creating Heaven, sun or stars, then these are only symbols behind which a completely different reality is hiding. And this reality occurred in a completely different time and space. And the one who hid this reality in earthly symbols and images, he knew himself reality, and therefore knew the gods. Perhaps at the very beginning, this is were the “earthly gods” themselves or their messengers.
In Ivy Solpe’s book, The Androgyn Creation That the Bible Hid, just the secret of this creation is revealed. The book was sold out on the first day at the book fair in Leipzig. The text of Genesis is fragments of the greatest genetic experiment of our creators – highly developed androgynous civilization of Elohim. “Seven Days of Tvorii” it was not the creation of the Universe or any of its components, but it was creation of a unique living creature named in the book Uterus androginov. As you know, any genetic experiment suggests a large number of “experimental rabbits.”
The uterus was the first and main link for the birth of embryos androginov, by artificial conception. First Six Days Creations “reveal the main stages of its creation.” And there was evening, and it was morning. “But did creation happen at night? Of course not! Creation took place by the power of Elohim’s thought, but not of his brain and thoughts. By the greatest concentration, his brain, as it were, stood still – “evening”, and opened spiritual channels for images of the World Mind. When is he came back to reality again, morning came, but Day was always one is the day of Creation. “Seventh Day” was special – compaction and final formation of the brain and body of the uterus, then what often called “lowering into matter.”
Elohim created androgyns, primarily for their internal needs and tasks of their civilization. They sorted them and selection, which are designated as various rivers flowing from the garden. The last in the classification was the Prat River, which did not cover any “land”. It was from these “waste” that a further experiment began, according to receiving same-sex androgyns, who were called Adamites. But why it became important for the advanced civilization of the Elohim. It turns out they already created the first earthly civilization of people on The earth. But in the course of its evolution, this civilization was threatened with extinction. Therefore, the plan of Elohim was simple, but worthy of the gods. Having the earth’s uterus women who could still produce healthy eggs new seed or sperm for fertilization. For this purpose, and were Noah’s “sons” were created as carriers of this seed. In this case the “old seed” must be destroyed, i.e. all male population Aboriginal people. This was the “Creative Law” of Elohim in action. TO unfortunately, these very chapters of the text of the bible were born and Noah’s sons settled from the bible disappeared. Thus true the inhabitants of our earth are women, and men are imported “seed”.
Incredible and fantastic is how this “seed” was delivered to our earth. A special group was created for this purpose. androginov under the common name Noah. And each of them was two sons embryos were implanted. On a spaceship they were in a deep sleepy state and all life their bodies at the cellular level was inhibited. Not on Earth, but in outer space, and these “sons” were born. Noah was not real the father of his children, and his womb served as that famous the “cowboy” that many enthusiasts are still looking for on Earth. So and Eden seems like a big institution on their planet, and The “garden” in it is a specially created laboratory.
It is sad to admit, but Adam and Eve were not our first parents. Eve, as a result of the error of the experiment, could not give birth from Adam healthy children, but only “kots and gift-gift” – physical and mental freaks. Therefore, her uterus was again “rebuilt” for the birth of those the embryos that Ashe Elohim implanted to her. We are somehow used to to think that man is the highest creation of the universal God. And with what or with whom do we compare ourselves? With the animal kingdom of the Earth? With this it’s hard to argue – among animals, man is the highest creation.
According to the characteristics that Ashe-Elohim laid down in man our civilization is at the lowest level among androgyns. we We differ for the better only at the level of the first generation people who disappeared from the face of the earth. For about 60-80 thousand years, we have developed towards improving their characteristics, but have not reached the set limit. What will happen when we reach threshold of this limit? Will a new “seed” arrive on Earth, and ours women will begin to revive the third generation of earthly humanity? An unusual and amazing story of the creation and development of man, which the Bible and the ancient texts of the Egyptian pyramids brought to us through the millennia. And it can be called a MIRACLE!
A. Sheng
Time Universe Sun