Sakhalin residents fear a soaked icon

Sakhalin residents fear a pacified iconA photo from open sources

In the Sakhalin temple of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located in the town of Shakhtersk, the Sign Of the Mother of God. “For a small temple, crying icons are not a phenomenon rare. But the parishioners consider the tears of this particular icon to be very bad an omen. Icon “Sign of the Mother of God” in the temple Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary pacified. Parishioners of this the temple, and those residents of Shakhtersk who are not Orthodox themselves consider accustomed to heed the warnings that gives this icon, and do not expect anything good. – In Shakhtersk in the Temple again icons cry, as was before Fukushima. What is the world waiting for this time? … Natalya Prisekina, discussion on the site “Classmates” The mining temple is generally the richest in such miracles on Sakhalin. The parish in this town appeared relatively recently – in 1994, the temple was later built. But today he is one of the most famous on Sakhalin precisely because there at different times myrrh-streaming 12 icons. In no other temple on Sakhalin is this similar it happened. – In Shakhtersk, 20 icons were soaked in the parish of the icon Annunciation. What would that mean? papaKarl, discussion on Myrrh-streaming is a miracle in Christianity. This appearance special oily moisture (miro) in images or relics. how moisture generally has a pleasant aroma, and the color of the oil ranges from clear white to dark yellow. The consistency also varies – from thick as resin to resembling ordinary water. Official science still cannot give an unambiguous explanation for myrrh-streaming. Expert opinion. Nikita Soloviev, physicist, Ph.D. n – There is many hypotheses – from the behavior of wood to condensate moisture, but no version can stand more or less serious physical research. This remains a mystery for now. I think with time scientists will solve it. In the Church of the Annunciation Mother of God miro exuded many icons: the Kazan Mother of God, and John the Baptist, and those that depict Jesus Christ. Peace with them so much flowed that the deanery of the parishes of the Uglegorsk district Father Anatoly collected it and used it for anointing. In Russian Orthodox Church has a special procedure surveys of myrrh-streaming, it is quite long and that called bureaucratic. When the icons start to cry about it report to the diocesan administration. From there they send a commission, which inspects the icons, collects location data and conditions in the temple. In the South Sakhalin and Kuril diocese to the miner’s temple looked closely, although the explanation for the miracle do not give. -Yes, indeed, it is in the miner’s temple that the myrrh-streaming happens often. In the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this common occurrence. And now, many of the icons left traces myrrh-streaming. Archpriest Victor Gorbach, Head mission department of the South Sakhalin and Kuril diocese Sakhalin residents make assumptions about why they cry in Shakhtersk icons. As a rule, in new, recently rebuilt or reconstructed temples this happens much more often than in others, – miners fit into this category. But other explanations for that why exactly in Shakhtersk such a miracle is observed, no. -Nothing supernatural. Wood breathes, i.e. absorbs air vapors – sorption, and emits the same pairs – desorption. It turns out that we more engaged in self-hypnosis than in scientific enlightenment activities. That’s all. Sergeevich Pimonkov But if alone seek a rational explanation of what is happening and focus on laws of physics and chemistry, then others rely on laws completely other property. – Everything will be fine, you just have to believe. and in whom are you believe and to whom you are addressing is your business. GOD is one at all. and I I will never believe that one of you has never addressed the LORD. Marina Shushkova But the myrrh-streaming icon “The Sign of the Mother of God” causes more attention than the myrrh-streaming of other icons. The thing is, that in Shakhtersk they believe that she warns about different cataclysms. The last time the icon was streamed in 2011, before Japan earthquake that caused tsunami and Fukushima an accident. -Many parishioners, and just the residents of Shakhtersk myrrh-streaming this icons are afraid. But I would not say that it definitely. We can’t know the plans of God, I don’t know, good it is a sign or vice versa. Although here is the icon of “All Who Mourn Joy” in the temple of the village of Krasnopole once warned us of trouble. She myrrh-streaming almost a year before the 2000 earthquake. And then stopped. But if the icon predicts something even now, we cannot say that this will happen on Sakhalin. Archpriest Anatoly Grekhov, Dean of the Parishes of the Uglegorsk District of Sami believers still have not decided clearly how to perceive this sign. -I think this is a great miracle. I used to only heard and read, and now saw with my own eyes. It’s real proof of the truth of our faith! And make some of it strange conclusions about a bad omen, it seems to me, is stupid. it for old women sooner. Nikita Pushakov – This is a miracle, of course. But that’s what will happen to us next – that’s the question. Remember the signs which were before the Great Patriotic War, before the revolution. But now the time is much worse, ideals, entire countries are crumbling as if going crazy, violence is around. And only together we Russians, we can survive.

Galina Stupachuk

Earthquake time

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