Protect astronauts from radiation during flight feces will be on Mars

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Scientists from Inspiration Mars, which plans to ship the first people to travel to the orbit of the Red Planet in 2018, found an unusual way to protect astronauts from radiation. conquerors’ waste products will be used space that will solve several problems at once. American Nonprofit Foundation Inspiration Mars, founded by the first space tourist multimillionaire Dennis Tito, set a goal send two people – a man and a woman – to the orbit of Mars in 2018 year. The ship on which the astronauts embark on a journey is not will land on the surface of the Red Planet, but only will fly around it at a distance of 100 thousand kilometers and will return to The earth. Travelers can have a lot of difficulties during flight time: weakened muscle strength, cramped conditions and a lot what else. But the main problem is radiation, from which the Earth protects the magnetic field, and cosmonauts in deep space – special ship lining materials. The farther a person moves away from the planet, the more it is exposed to hazardous radiation. Meanwhile to increase the skin of the ship is infinitely impossible: received the hulk doesn’t have enough fuel to fly. One member of the company Inspiration Mars Taber MacCallum proposed an interesting solution to this problem: the walls of the spacecraft will be equipped with food, water and human feces. “That sounds strange enough, but in such circumstances, the waste simply has nowhere to go. In addition, they are excellent protection against radiation, “- comments on his idea McCallum. Solid and liquid waste needed will be placed in special packages that can be use as a shield suspended on the wall of the ship. Exactly it will also be possible to use food. Most importantly, it’s quite safe: products will protect people from radiation, but they themselves will not will turn into its source. Water will also provide excellent protection. Even if the walls of the spacecraft are equipped with a thick layer metal, it will not be as well protected as if it’s just attach bags of water. Water molecules are made up of two atoms. hydrogen and one oxygen atom. Thus, the concentration of nuclei per unit volume, water is higher than metal. And atomic nuclei are better all reflect harmful cosmic rays. Used you can drink water to protect it, because it does not accumulate in any way dangerous particles. According to the Water Walls project, which at the same time solves issues of life support and processing natural waste to the walls of the ship will be suspended plastic bags with water, food and waste. Such a shield is thick 40 centimeters will provide excellent protection for astronauts. We add that the mission developers in a rather extravagant way solved the problem of shortage of drinking water. Water Walls Concept implies that will be used for recycling the phenomenon of osmosis. Using special membranes urine space travelers will be cleaned and turned into water suitable for drinking. However, in this case, two problems arise. First lies in the fact that osmosis in microgravity spacecraft is 50% less efficient than on the surface Of the earth. The second problem is the smell, which will make it difficult get rid of. One way or another, astronauts will try to supply enough water so they don’t have to drink their own recycled urine. Scientists are also working on a project on strengthening ship walls with aluminum and creating magnetic deflectors for additional protection of astronauts. Note that neither organic shields, not a layer of aluminum can protect the ship from ejection particles that occurs during a solar storm. In this case there is only one way: keep the top of the rocket attached to the main compartment of the ship all the way and, in the case of solar storm, turn it towards our star. If everything will go according to the plan of the Inspiration Mars Foundation, the farthest space travel in the history of mankind will begin on January 5 2018, and by mid-August, astronauts will be able to see The red planet in its windows.

Water Time Mars

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