Recent Martian virtual finds archaeologists

The Last Martian Findings of Virtual ArchaeologistsA photo from open sources

Virtual archaeologists collect their unique finds not in land, and in the pictures, which is why they are nicknamed. However their exhibits from this does not become less interesting. Moreover, how not fitting into the canons of orthodox science, these exhibits academicians are not taken seriously or simply hushed up, like, say, the skeletons of giants found real archaeologists in many parts of the earth.

You see, there is something in common between those and other researchers, when it comes to fried facts. Paranormal Video Channel Crucible uploaded a video on hosting YouTube, which collected the last Martian finds of virtual archaeologists – and they again sensational, and therefore completely uninteresting to the orthodox.

A photo from open sources

An object very similar to a skeleton immediately attracts attention. Moreover, if the bones can be called stretch stones, then the skull of this the Martian monster is clearly bony and it belonged, perhaps, here such a creature (see photo below).

A photo from open sources

Recent findings from online researchers include: the skull of a dinosaur (or an animal very similar to terrestrial reptiles, living millions of years ago), then comes the “alien ship” – in in any case, the object is clearly not of natural origin, but by intriguing seems to be a huge object in this collection or just the stone is very strange in shape, which is why ufologists suggested that it can be attributed to man-made formations. That’s just what it is. why – while remains a mystery. Maybe Internet users Any thoughts on this?

A photo from open sources

See, draw your own conclusions, share your assumptions because if virtual archaeologists are extraterrestrial diggers, then all other web users are their impartial judges, prosecutors and certainly lawyers. And even passionate admirers!

Mars Stones

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