Riddles of the Universe. Earth. Fatal magnet

A photo from open sources

Thousands of years ago, life was on Mars. But why did she disappear? What a global catastrophe, turned a once inhabited planet into lifeless ball? Planet Earth is a huge magnet that creates the strongest around itself energy field. It is like a shield, protects the Earth from deadly cosmic and solar radiation. This shield is held by two magnetic poles, which are located next to the geographical – north and south. The latest discoveries of scientists, only slightly opened humanity is the true cause of the mysterious death of Mars. According to one of versions, about eight hundred thousand years ago, on the Planet sharp change of magnetic poles. The consequences were catastrophic for all living things, the atmosphere on Mars disappeared, and The planet was defenseless, in front of the deadly space radiation … But the most incredible thing is that such an offset of magnetic poles, scientists record both on Earth and if the north the magnetic pole will become – the south, and the south will move to the north, then a global catastrophe could happen on Earth. Glaciers Greenland and Antarctica will melt, snow will fall at the equator, and an ice cap will cover Africa and Australia. Alaska and Siberian taiga – on the contrary, they will turn into fertile lands with a tropical climate. The earth will shudder from incessant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions … Mars Earthquake Universe

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