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The leadership of Roscosmos together with the Russian Academy of Sciences began to develop a plan for the training of legal professionals in space law. At least a document has already been prepared, which prescribes the need for such work.
According to RIA Novosti publishing house, the need for such experts dictated by the increasing interest of leading countries of the world in the colonization of the Moon, Mars and other planets, mining minerals on asteroids and so on. Moreover, interest in the development and use of space objects are not only governments of space powers, say, USA, China, India, Israel and so on, but also private companies trying to find for this loophole in international law.
To this end, Roscosmos and the RAS planned to create the base necessary in training specialists in space law, using for this goals are specialized departments, say, Moscow State University, RUDN University and other universities. Here is how Gennady Raikunov, former director, comments on this undertaking Space Technology Institute:
It’s no secret that enterprising people, say, USA, has long been selling plots on the moon, Mars, private American and European companies are developing mining technologies with might and main minerals on asteroids, and so on. All these claims must be legally qualified correctly, it’s simply impossible to turn a blind eye to it. On the other hand to believe that the time when the colonization of the same moon or Mars will become real, and all this will need to be regulated on basis of international legal law.
Recall that most recently the young astrophysicist Elizabeth Tasker released the book “Factory of the planets”, which explains how to open your own planet, give it a name and become its full-fledged by the owner. Moreover, the author of this guide is based not only on astrophic, but also legal knowledge. Therefore, the excitement of Roscosmos it is quite possible to understand …
Colonization Moon Mars Roskosmos USA