Rover Curiosity captured Mars soaring on Mars anomalies “

Rover Curiosity captured on MarsA photo from open sources

Foreign ufologists, leading the popular conspiracy YouTube channel “The Hidden Underbelly”, reviewed the pictures of Mars, made by NASA’s famous and “diehard” rover Curiosity. On the one of the photos with high resolution, experts noticed a mysterious detail. More precisely, a great many obscure details.

The robot captured dozens of dark objects hovering low over surface of a distant celestial body. Presented below a video showing the anomaly data spread around many Web resources dedicated to phenomena on other planets.

Some users of the World Wide Web believe that on Mars fly insects – just like on Earth. According to others commentators, these were birds that were more distant distance from the rover. Still others suggest that speech talking about levitating stones. On the Red Planet many times discovered rock fragments and other objects not subject to gravity, for example, which has already become a byword Martian “levitating spoon”, so this theory is definitely has the right to exist. Some conspiracy therapists I believe that this image, which clearly shows birds, perfectly confirms their theory that Americans are not to the moon, nor, moreover, didn’t fly to Mars and are not going to fly. All of them space projects are a hoax, and the “lunar” and “Martian” frames are shot on Earth – such landscapes, they say, on our planet more than enough …

Finally, skeptics say that we are faced with shooting defects either just dust particles on the rover’s lens. Anyway, say even the most reputable ufologists and experts. Well, representatives of the American national the space agency, as usual, are silent, flatly refusing to comment on another amazing find enthusiasts. However, assuming that the conspiracy theorists are right, then NASA’s silence in this case is most understandable …

NASA Mars Birds Curiosity Mars Rover

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