Rover “Curiosity” captured on Mars a bird

RoverPhoto from open sources

Representatives of the foreign ufological society “Disclose Screen “reported that they considered the pictures taken by the famous NASA’s third-generation Curiosity Mars rover, and unexpectedly found in one of the photos the alleged bird!

According to the researchers, the mysterious shot was received by the rover. January 20 of this year. The lens of the robot camera clearly hit a dark object, very similar to a feathered creature. Specialists wonder how no one has discovered this anomaly before, studying images on the official website of the american national aerospace agency.

Some netizens felt that on the Red Planet in the very there are birds or similar flying creatures. According to others, we have yet another evidence of what Curiosity does all of their images are on Earth, and NASA is hoaxing. By the way the birds fell into the frame and the lunar missions of the USA, so the birds – one from the factors of exposing cosmic hoaxes by Americans.

Finally, skeptics suggest that this is an ordinary artifact shooting. However, if all these “artifacts” are put together during the work of Curiosity since August 2012, it turns out very interesting picture, which does not correspond to the official NASA’s doctrine of what the Red Planet is.

Mars NASA Birds Rover Curiosity

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