Rover photographed on mars pharaoh

Rover photographed on Mars PharaohPhotos from open sources of

Virtual archaeologists once again discerned in the pictures Mars made by the American Curiosity rover, something amazing. Now ufologists have found a head in one of the photos ancient Egyptian pharaoh – presumably the most Tutankhamun.

An international team of specialists reported their find immediately after the American National Research Agency space proved that on the Red Planet there are reserves of salty waters that can serve as indirect evidence of existence life on Mars. Virtual archaeologists are convinced that they managed find direct evidence – not Pharaoh himself there appeared.

A photo from open sources

A stone statue in the shape of the head of Tutankhamun was discovered not far from the cliffs, reminiscent of their form the pyramids of Giza. Virtual archaeologists are convinced that the striking statue was performed on Mars by representatives of another planet that visited in ancient Egypt. As you know, many ancient Egyptian drawings depict people worshiping mysterious creatures, similar to aliens in the view of the current inhabitants of the Earth. Some researchers believe that ancient civilization was founded on the initiative of guests from another planet, however the imperfection of the human mind did not allow it to exist endlessly, as conceived by powerful masters, whom the Egyptians considered gods.

It is worth noting that NASA representatives some time ago refused to continue commenting on such findings, saying that it ordinary optical illusion, and there is nothing man-made on the Red Planet and it cannot be. Needless to say, most people on Earth He does not believe such an explanation and believes that the American space the agency is engaged in hiding information and activities aliens on Mars.

Mars Time Pyramids Tutankhamun Pharaohs

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