Photo from open sources
The Russian Federal Space Agency has planned to next year a unique experiment. Specialists from Roskosmos intend to test innovative system wirelessly energy transfer outside the earth.
Instead of a cable, domestic scientists will use a laser beam – an intense stream of light will transmit electricity from the Russian International Space Station segment on a transport ship “Progress”, which will be one and a half to two miles away from the station kilometers.
Preparing for the experiment now Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, its engineers have already begun ground testing of energy transfer technology through laser radiation. Largest laboratories connected to the project countries, the general contribution of leading Russian experts to this development allowed the creation of photovoltaic receiver-converter, which has no world analogues. To scientists could experience unique technology in perfect conditions, based on Energia prepared a route where the distance between the receiver and laser emitter was one and a half kilometers. IN In experimental mode, the system functions perfectly.
A photo from open sources
Researchers report that the efficiency of all the path will be at least ten to twenty percent, however, if the Russians succeed in applying the most modern technology in optoelectronics and laser technology, then efficiency can reach thirty percent. According to the intention of the developers, the creation of such installations will allow for the foreseeable future to transmit electrical energy from one spacecraft to another without the need for physical contact between the devices.
Note that the idea of refueling with the energy of artificial satellites put forward in orbit right back in the middle of the last century. For instance, German designer Werner von Braun, considered the founder rocket science, argued that refueling satellites could become reality already in the seventies of the last century. Brown Predictions did not materialize, and he proposed a rather primitive solution: small devices that will be moored to satellites and power them from their batteries.
If the latest project of Roscosmos is implemented, the coming a real revolution in satellite manufacturing. Spacecraft will be able revolve around our planet for an extremely long time, charging from wireless systems that transmit energy through laser beams. American NASA competing with Roscosmos didn’t even offer.
Lasers Roskosmos Russia