A photo open sources RAS and Roscosmos proposed to start in 2030 year construction on a satellite of the Earth base and landfill for mining Russia in 2030 may begin construction of a base on The moon and the landfill for mining. About it, as they say Izvestia, says the draft Concept of the Russian Lunar program prepared by RAS, enterprises of Roscosmos and Moscow State University. “The moon is a space object for the future development of the earth civilization, and in the 21st century a geopolitical competition for lunar natural resources, “the authors noted programs, adding that Russia must protect national interests in the development of the Earth satellite. National Lunar Program, the draft says it should be independent of foreigners. By according to the authors, every three to four years in Russia should another project related to the exploration of the moon is being implemented. The compilers of the program did not disregard the prospect. mineral exploration on the Earth’s satellite. “After geological exploration of the moon will provide reliable scientific knowledge about the prevalence of minerals, about the degree the content in them of certain elements will be compiled Feasibility study of the feasibility of their production, processing and delivery to Earth, “they wrote, not excluding attracting funds of private investors for this. Explore the moon need dynamically, because, according to the authors of the program, “in the coming 20-30 years, the leading space powers will scout and secure comfortable lunar bridgeheads to ensure future opportunities for practical use. ” Earth satellite until 2040, according to their plan, should be conducted in three stages, each of which will be determined by the presence of necessary for this spacecraft. First stage proposed by inclusion in the Federal Space Program (FKP) 2016 – 2025 years, involves sending to Earth satellite four automatic stations that determine the composition and physico-chemical properties lunar polar regolith (soil) and help to choose the most promising areas to host the future base. During the second phase, in 2028 – 2030, it is planned to send manned expeditions into the orbit of the moon without landing on its surface. During the third stage, until 2040, on the moon in the area of the alleged placement of the landfill and base is proposed to land an expedition and start building an observatory. The total cost of the program is not indicated, however, its first stage is estimated at 28.5 billion rubles. IN Roscosmos explained that the project will undergo an examination, after which will be referred to the government. Recall earlier Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin says Russia intends to forever gain a foothold on the moon. He explained that in the next 50 years humanity is unlikely to be ready to fly further than Mars, therefore it is worth focusing on the development of the Earth’s satellite, as well as on flights to asteroids.
Moon Roskosmos Russia