Russia will fly again to Venus

Russia will fly again to VenusPhotos from open sources of

State Space Corporation Roskosmos intends to start flights to the second planet again Solar system. In the early twenties of this century, Russian state enterprise will send research apparatus to Venus under the name “Venus — D”, equipped with a landing module.

At the moment, many people are showing interest in the Morning Star. space agencies of the Earth. The reason for this was the arrival on Venus of the Akatsuki probe created by the Japanese and launched there in 2010 year. When it became known that the Japanese apparatus for atmospheric research finally flew to a distant planet, “Roskosmos” immediately thought that it would be nice for our country resume the mission to study Venus.

As you know, the first spacecraft to fly on The morning star, became in 1961 the Soviet automatic interplanetary station “Venus-1”. Unfortunately, due to loss of connection the mission was not completed until the end. The last time the Russians sent in 1984 to the Venus and Halley’s comet station “Vega-1” and Vega 2 Eighteen out of twenty seven aircraft, ever launched on this planet by earthlings, were Soviet.

According to the leadership of Roskosmos, the time has come for Russia regain its former cosmic glory, and an important step towards this the goal will be the continuation of Soviet traditions on the study of Venus. Technology over the past thirty years is known to have undergone unprecedented improvement, so current scientists will be able to achieve much more in this area than their esteemed predecessors.

The letter “D” in the name “Venus — D” will mean either “duration”, or “long-life”. Spacecraft launch should be held no earlier than 2020. Over the creation of the interplanetary The station now employs employees of the Scientific and Production associations named after Semyon Lavochkin, which manufactured the previous Russian apparatus for the study of Venus. The station is reportedly will have two orbital probes and a landing module.

Venus Russia

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