Russian scientists photographed how “spits” black hole

Russian scientists photographed likeA photo from open sources

The staff of the Radioastron Observatory managed to get the first in human history detailed shots of the “spitting” of a black hole. A supermassive black hole is reportedly located in the very the center of the galaxy “NGC 1275”. The resulting photos will allow the world scientists better understand how holes “chew and spit out” matter.

Yuri Kovalev, one of the authors of the study, told that the galaxy “NGC 1275” is in the constellation Perseus, that is, about two hundred twenty-two million light years from of our planet. It is referred to as the so-called giant elliptical galaxies and considered one of the largest “stellar megalopolises “in the area of ​​the Milky Way.

In the center of the galaxy is a supermassive black hole large sizes called “3C 84.” From her at the moment thin beams of matter emitting near light speed and giant temperature. These “spit” have long been interested in scientists with all over the planet. It seems that our compatriots managed take a new step towards their study.

Radioastron is an international space the project, however, specialists from Russia are allotted the decisive value. To photograph how a black hole spits, Russian scientists used twenty-five radio telescopes, belonging to the Russian Federation, the USA, the European Union and Korea.

The map of the surroundings of “3C 84” received a record resolution, component of only 0.04 light years. According to our astrophysicists, by and large, they managed to consider supermassive black hole flush.

By the way, to find out in more detail what constitute black holes of the Universe, you can see interesting for this purpose documentary.

Galaxy Russia Black Hole

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