Russian scientists received a mysterious signal from space

Russian scientists received a mysterious signal from spaceA photo from open sources

The famous domestic telescope “RATAN-600”, which has a record diameter of a reflex mirror (about 600 meters), caught an unusual radio signal from space. A mysterious impulse comes from an area located in the constellation Hercules, namely, not far from the star HD 164595. Not a single scientist on the planet is able to uniquely say what is causing the signal.

The discovery of Russian astronomers quickly attracted attention representatives of the international project “SETI”, aimed at search for extraterrestrial civilizations.

A photo from open sources

Our compatriots recorded a signal at a wavelength of 2.7 centimeter. It turned out to be almost 10 times more powerful compared to radio pulsars – space sources of pulsed radio emissions not related to aliens. Concerning spectral density of the radiation flux, then it amounted to 750 Milyansky. For comparison, the Milky Way galaxy has a density radiation flux in 2000 yang.

Astronomers note that the mysterious event was single, and no more such signals were sent to the RATAN-600. Nonetheless, Russian scientists suggest that this signal is normal noise could not be.

Because of its structural features, the telescope observes only narrow stripes of the sky, about 20 to 120 arc seconds. For this reason determining the exact source of an impulse is for researchers embarrassing. Interestingly, the star HD 164595, located at 95 light years from us, very similar in its characteristics to The sun, while the exoplanet rotates around it, theoretically livable. Therefore, it is not surprising that World ufologists immediately started talking about a possible message from aliens.

Mysterious signal agitated scientists of the world

It is not yet possible to decrypt the signal. Researchers are not in a hurry to say that some encrypted data from representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, however, indicate that the signal power is large enough, and such a radio flash could well come from the transmitter to all directions of an isotropic emitter.

A photo from open sources

Thus, we can talk about the so-called Kardashevskaya civilizations of the second type. Recall that, according to the Soviet and Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev, in the Universe in theory there can be four types of advanced civilizations. Civilizations the first type, like ours, use the energy produced by their the planets. Civilizations of the second type receive energy from their stars planetary systems. Civilizations of the third type use power galaxies, the fourth – of the whole universe. To send such a signal, distant sentient beings would need so much energy, how much our entire planet produces, that is, order trillion watts.

The discovery of Russian scientists will be discussed at the end of September at International Astronomical Congress. Noteworthy: employees NASA is now trying hard to convince the world community that there is nothing unusual for this signal, but such the unjustified zeal of the Americans only fuels the interest of scientists, and ordinary people, to the find of the Russians.

Galaxy Universe Telescope

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