Russian scientists recorded the brightest gamma-ray flash in five years

Russian astronomers were the first to observe the brightest over the last five years of gamma-ray burst. Russian scientists recorded the brightest gamma-ray burst in five yearsPhotos from open sources

Gamma-ray bursts – one of the most unusual and mysterious astrophysical phenomena. They are short-term sporadic cosmic gamma-ray bursts coming from all sorts of directions from the depths of the universe. For the first time they were recorded in the years 1964-1970 by the American satellites of the series “Vela”, intended for the registration of Soviet ground nuclear tests. The source of gamma-ray bursts are considered supernova explosions in distant galaxies.

To register gamma-ray bursts in 2004, NASA brought to the orbit of the Swift space observatory, which tracks almost all gamma-ray bursts using a special gamma-ray telescope telescope BAT. The day before, at 07.47 GMT (11.47 Moscow time), Swift observatory recorded a flash that received the GRB index 130427A.

Alexey Pozanenko from the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leonid Elenin from the Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh RAS and their colleagues were the first to conduct optical observations of this gamma-ray burst using a 0.45-meter automatic telescope Russian observatory ISON-NM, located in the USA.

“The brightness of the afterglow of the gamma-ray burst reached the 11th stellar magnitude 139 seconds after the start of the surge, this is the brightest optical flash recorded since March 2008 years when the outbreak of GRB 080319B reached a magnitude of 5.7. Now the afterglow of the flash is getting weaker, but there will be be observed for several dozen days, “RIA said News Elenin. According to scientists, the galaxy where it is located source of gamma-ray burst, located at a distance of 4.37 billion light years.


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