Russian ufologist captured a mysterious planet near the earth

The Russian ufologist captured a mysterious planet near the EarthA photo from open sources

Domestic ufologist and online journalist Valentin Degterev claims to be watching live from a webcam the other day on board the International Space Station and unexpectedly noticed something strange in the frame.

According to the expert, in the luminous atmospheric corona of the Earth a mysterious object resembling a separate planet appeared. The alleged celestial body was relatively clearly visible on the edge. horizon, and Valentine hastened to record the broadcast on video.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that the moon at that moment was with the opposite side of the ISS, because obviously we can’t talk about natural satellite of our planet. But what then could it to be? The author of the find suggests that we have a legendary Nibiru, also known as Planet X.

It is believed that when a given astronomical object approaches at a critical distance to Earth, our fragile blue ball awaiting destruction. Will this happen very soon? We hope that our compatriot is mistaken in his assumptions, and no universal catastrophe is coming. At least NASA experts are not showing this the case of the slightest concern: apparently aware of this mysterious the facility is much larger than the ufologist, but keep quiet – another cosmic secret …


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