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Astrophysicists from the Russian Federation report graduation unique research using innovative domestic equipment. Researches of our compatriots allowed to identify in the constellation Virgo a planet on which, perhaps, there is life.
Scientists said that the celestial body, called Elion, rotates around a blue supergiant with age not less than seven and a half billion earth years. Giant luminosity on one third higher than the sun. According to researchers, besides Elion, in the system turned out to be three more planets, which in their rotation cycles around the star resemble our Earth, Mercury and Venus.
Russians believe that Elion absorbs energy on a full scale blue supergiant. On the planet with a high probability exists life, and definitely not primitive. Living there civilization could be billions of times mentally and technically more perfect than humanity, which scientists attribute to civilizations of the first type.
Elion has a rocky surface and impressive volumes fresh water, similar to the oceans of the Earth. At this moment Russian astrophysicists cannot provide one hundred percent evidence that the celestial body is inhabited, but they are intensely working on their receipt.
It is possible that representatives of distant civilization have long been visit our planet, preferring to observe and not interfere in the course of earthly events.
A life