Photos from open sources of
It can be done by every Internet user, because just a virtual journey to the Red Planet. Benefits him – you can fly there right now, for free, while you will remain safe and sound and besides you will certainly return home.
Of course, there are also disadvantages, since flying above the surface Mars occurs only on an imaginary helicopter, moreover – it covers only one region of a mysterious planet, namely the plain Atlantic basin, which still bears a rather strange name – Chaos of Atlantis.
This place was not called chaos by chance, since this the territory has a very peculiar relief – uneven and fantastically intricate, it is located in the very center Martian Crater (Atlantic Basin), and so ancient (more than four billion years) that its edges have long been collapsed and today are difficult to distinguish.
A photo from open sources
The area of Chaos is relatively small, about a hundred fifty to two hundred kilometers in the distant past, as suggested explorers of the Red Planet, he, along with the Atlantic Basin connected with other similar entities and was gigantic by the lake – Eridania (the name, of course, is earthly, like everything on Mars till). This body of water covered an area of almost six hundred thousand square kilometers!
Flying over all this mysterious beauty on a virtual by helicopter, you can admire the Martian channels through which, by According to scientists, once noisy waters escaped, cutting through all these channels in hard rocks. Pay attention also to the hills with amazingly flat peaks, majestic mountain peaks and incredible wrinkled cliffs, as well as fantastic faults and craters. All these are traces of an ancient tectonic the formation and destruction of the surface of Mars.
Finally, let’s clarify that the virtual trip is mounted on based on the pictures taken by the Mars Express stereo camera European Space Agency from 2008 to 2014. Of course, this is far from a real flight to the Red Planet, but I can congratulate you in advance on a happy return to our blue planet – Earth. What are we doing, but for now – happy Flight over the Chaos of Atlantis!
Atlantis Mars