It is this version that first comes into my head ufologist when he looks at this unusual picture Enceladus, the sixth largest satellite of Saturn. Version NASA (2007) attributes this lower effect to vapor exposure water “At the south pole of Enceladus there are ice geysers that jets of water vapor (emitting steam to a height of hundreds of kilometers). In all likelihood, matter, leaving the satellite, it turns from steam to ice and replenishes the ring Saturn E. ”
A photo from open sources
It is believed that under the surface of the Saturnian satellite is hidden the whole ocean. The temperature at Enceladus is about −200 degrees Celsius. It is colder than the rest of Saturn’s moons. The atmosphere of a satellite consists of water vapor, dust, molecular hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
A photo from open sources
Researcher Scott Waring believes all of this is sucked from fingers, as if it were geysers, the satellite would rotate uncontrollably, but he always turns to Saturn only one of his side. And if you add a picture of brightness and increase it, then more all this phenomenon is like a train from … a rocket engine. Actually, Waring’s version is that Enceladus is huge spaceship unknown to us civilization.
Luna Saturn Scott Waring