Saturn’s rings fade away

Saturn's rings are fading awayPhotos from open sources of

NASA’s new study shows that Saturn’s rings, considered one of the most beautiful and amazing phenomena The solar system is by no means durable, and not only by standards Universe, but also according to previous assumptions of astronomers. Earlier it was believed that the rings of Saturn arose about 4.5 billion years back, but because they seem to be almost eternal. However now scientists concluded that these concentric formations around the gas giant “only” about a hundred million years.

A photo from open sources

Saturn’s rings are a cluster of countless ice floes diameter from a few millimeters to several meters. It is assumed that they formed after the collision of the planet with icy heavenly body like the moon. American specialists National Space Agency determined that over the next 300 million years, these particles will be attracted by gravity gas giant, that is, it is a very long and at that but the time is not so endless “icy rain.”

As a result, his unique rings of Saturn will still disappear, and this will not happen instantly, as you know, just these the ice floes will be smaller and smaller, and the rings themselves will become paler and paler … That’s interesting, this process is on the penultimate stage will any intelligent creature see extinctions? So what guess? ..


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