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According to the researcher of comet meteorites Evgeny Dmitriev, Mars and Pluto were exposed to megacities of celestial bodies.
Moscow. 13th of January. INTERFAX.RU – Traces of planetary catastrophes scale helped to discover data from studying information about the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite, said on Wednesday Interfax Russian researcher of comet meteorites Evgeny Dmitriev.
“Four billion years ago when Mars and Pluto still had remnants of powerful primary atmospheres (MPA), these planets have undergone the impact of mega-large celestial bodies. Find traces of these disasters planetary studies helped the Tunguska catastrophe, caused by a meteorite explosion at an altitude of five to ten kilometers above Earth June 17, 1908, “said the source.
Justifying this hypothesis of the chronology of the development of processes in The solar system, the scientist recalled data from Soviet researchers, according to which the grandiose fall of the forest under the influence of formed in the atmosphere of explosive and ballistic waves on earth reminded in terms of the shape of a butterfly.
“Based on the analysis of the macrorelief of Mars, performed by topographic map of the planet (1976, USA), back in 2007 was it is concluded that four billion years ago a grand space catastrophe completely changed the face of the northern hemisphere the planet. It turned out that the planet had MPA in the upper layers which over the north pole of the planet at an altitude of about 2500 km a mega-hammer explosion occurred, “Dmitriev believes.
“Strong shock waves formed in the atmosphere complex configurations, like shock waves of the Tunguska meteorite, heavy rollers walked along the surface of the northern part of Mars, which led to a change in relief, formed in the form of a Martian butterflies. Over time due to small size and intensive Mars could not hold the stellar wind MPA and gradually lost it, ” – said the researcher.
“Heart” of Pluto
Dmitriev recalled that in the images of Pluto obtained with NASA’s New Horizons Interplanetary Automatic Station, universal attention was drawn to a large bright formation (depression, called “Heart”) 1,590 km wide on the planet’s surface, also butterfly-shaped. “The first thing that comes to mind, and whether this “butterfly” is of the same origin as the Tunguska felling? “, the scientist wondered.
“However,” he continued, “for such a conclusion it is necessary to admit that Pluto, like Mars, had in the past the IPA, in which was invaded by a large drummer, who generated powerful shock waves, and their effects on the surface of the planet led to Depression. ”
Dmitriev concluded that “traces of planetary depression in the form “butterflies” on Mars and Pluto could be formed only if there on the IPA planets and the explosions of large projectiles that occurred in them. ”
“If in the course of further research it turns out that MPA on these planets really took place, then have to rethink many established beliefs in the cosmogony of the solar system and planetology, “the agency’s interlocutor is convinced.
“So, the adoption of the thesis of the existence of the IPA of Mars allowed to develop almost the only possible and incomplete scenario the formation of solar planets, which sets out the sequence processes in the solar system to date, “- said researcher.
“The scenario begins with the idea that for gas accretion (process mass increments of the celestial body by gravitational attraction matter on it from the surrounding space – IF) is so small planet like Mars, the temperature of the gas-dust cloud in its zone orbits should be very low. This meant that the sun has not yet nuclear reactions began. At that time, Mars managed to devour a solid fraction of gas, that is, has turned into some kind of planet – giant, “says Dmitriev.
“The beginning of nuclear reactions on the Sun led to intense stellar wind. The growth of the planet immediately stopped. Then Mars began to lose its atmosphere. In the period of the giant meteorite bombardment of the bodies of the solar system four billion years ago, when Mars still had the remnants of the IPA, over the northern mega-hammer explosion occurred on the planet’s pole, leading to dichotomy of the planet, “the researcher said.
Conclusions from the hypothesis
The scientist comes to several conclusions. In particular: origin rotation of the planets and the appearance of satellites in them is associated with the presence of them MPA; Earth, like Mars, has passed the stage of its development giant planets; proximity to the Sun of Mercury and Venus did not allow they acquire MPA, the increase in mass of planets occurred only for due to the accumulation of solids, which was the reason for the absence they have torques and satellites; Earth and Mars never were completely melted, and we live at the bottom of the dry gas ocean.
As for Pluto, “in the zone of its orbit has always been very low temperature, so even such a small planet due to gas accretion could have acquired MPA, the presence of which indicates Tunguska “butterfly”, the rotation of the planet and the presence of satellites. “” And here why Pluto lost it is not yet clear. If Pluto with the moment of birth was in modern orbit, then lose the MPA due to thermal dissipation could not in any way because of the very low temperatures. It is interesting to note that according to planetary characteristics Pluto may well be considered the planet of the terrestrial group, ” Dmitriev.
He offers an “almost fantastic version of the history of Pluto.” “According to the law of Titius – Bode in place of the asteroid belt must there is a planet, but it is absent. Maybe it was Pluto. During the period of the giant meteorite bombardment in his the drummer exploded in the atmosphere, resulting in “butterfly”. Next – a new disaster associated with the passage through the solar system of a large celestial body, which its gravitationally threw Pluto with satellites to the periphery of the Solar system. The composition of the asteroid belt could include fragments, “alien” retinues formed from the collision (satellites, comets and asteroids) with the satellites of Pluto, “Dmitriev believes.
Dmitriev’s hypothesis is described in more detail in the collection System Planet Earth for 2016.
Full texts of articles:
According to Pluto http://bourabai.ru/dmitriev/pluto.htm
According to Mars http://bourabai.ru/dmitriev/martian.htm
Mars Pluto Sun Solar System