Scientists believed that in the solar system an alien ship arrived

Scientists believed that an alien ship flew into the solar systemA photo from open sources

A striking statement was made by scientists. Back in October 2017 theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and his colleagues discovered interstellar an object flown into the solar system. Experts felt that this is the first recorded cosmic body to arrive in our planetary system from the outside. However, a group of researchers led by Hawking decided the other day to carefully study UFOs through powerful telescope. As a result, they came to the conclusion that this the object, called Oumuamua, for sure (probability 80 percent) is an alien alien ship.

Oumuamua, first noticed by astronomers on October 15, is already moved away from our planet and was approximately 2.5 million kilometers from her. “Asteroid” (namely, it was defined orthodoxy), among other things, interested scientists in their cigar-shaped. The length of the object is about 500 meters, and diameter – about 80 meters. Stephen Hawking and his partners report that this form is ideal for space travel, as it minimizes impact from collisions with smaller ones space objects. Interstellar traveler, as it turned out, also leaves no dust behind – such atypical behavior “asteroid” indicates that it is made of sturdy metal. And his trajectory looks too meaningful and not obeying the gravitational fields of other celestial bodies.

Scientists examine Oumuamua as part of the Breakthrough Project Listen “, a Hawking-sponsored initiative Russian and American billionaires Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg. The program aims to search in the Universe reasonable extraterrestrial life. For this, specialists use parabolic Green Bank radio telescope that has such a large power that could easily receive a signal from a cell phone, be the one on the surface of Oumuamua. It’s only a pity that the alleged alien ship does not give any signals and already preparing to leave the solar system. Probably forever …

Solar System Stephen Hawking

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