Scientists first recorded and recorded on audio “Marsquake” on the Red Planet

Scientists first recorded and recorded on audioA photo from open sources

In November last year, the American probe “InSight” marched on the Red Planet and began to install their equipment there. In December, he deployed a seismometer, and in early February of this year years, a device for detecting seismic waves was introduced in operation and start to “listen.”

Finally, on April 6, InSight caught an expressive signal from the bowels Mars, and scientists concluded that for the first time in the history of science they managed fix the so-called marsquake. Before that, similar shocks and vibrations were observed only on the Earth (of course), and also on the moon after the American astronauts installed there in 1969 a seismometer. Then it turned out that under the moon hiding an extremely active geological world that is seriously surprised people of science.

A photo from open sources

If the researchers are right, and Mars is indeed seismic active, it means that he is far from “dead” a heavenly body, as many believe today. Some specialists even poetically compared the recorded tremors with a heartbeat the planet. NASA representatives, by the way, posted an audio recording World Wide Web Concussion – including the following video, you can hear these mysterious unearthly sounds yourself.

The main purpose of “InSight” is to study the internal structures of the Martian soil and any processes that occur in him. For this, developed by the Americans, Germans and French the probe is equipped not only with an advanced seismometer, but also a special device for recording heat flows under the surface of the red planet.

Moon mars

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