Scientists from NASA have proposed recognizing the moon as a planet Solar system

Scientists from NASA have proposed recognizing the moon as the planet of the solar systemA photo from open sources

It was with such a seemingly absurd proposal that she addressed a group of scientists (and no small) from NASA to the International Astronomical union. Someone is eager to endow the Earth’s satellite, no less as the status of a full planet.

And then in our solar system there will be as many as ten. The tenth will be – the moon. However, what motivates such a strange wish employees of the American aerospace agency? After all, as far as even a student knows, any SS planet should, by at least, to revolve around the Sun, which cannot be said about the Moon. It turns out that NASA scientists have collected a bunch of other reasons, of which one is more significant than the other (do not list them in this brief note become), which prove that the moon is also without a near-solar orbit quite “drawn” to the role of an independent planet SS.

Moreover, this is presented in all seriousness, which is extremely surprising the general public, which did not fail on the Internet express one’s (almost single negative) opinion on this about. Well, if you clarify what people think, then many people are surprised, why NASA still does not recognize the moon as an artificial satellite Of the earth. After all, there are much more reasons and undeniable data for this, starting from its internal hollowness, the presence of many bases on it alien origin and ending with historical data on that once (before the Flood) no Selena (this satellite-base or alien ship) in orbit of the Earth simply does not It was.

On the other hand, other Internet users write if recognize the moon as a planet, then how to deal with satellites in this case Saturn, Jupiter? NASA Staff Proposal to Change Concept planet status (it does not have to have a near-solar orbit) To many, it seems at least absurd. But it’s no coincidence NASA scientists brought all this bodyagi? There is something behind this, where more interesting (and very beneficial to someone) than these “compelling scientific “arguments …

NASA’s Moon Solar System

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