A photo from open sources
Astronomers have received detailed images of the Boomerang Nebula from of the ALMA radio telescope in the protoplanetary nebula PGC 3074547? which is also known as the coldest place in the universe, a “ghost” was discovered – a cloud of gas of an unusual shape. Researchers Australia, USA and Chile use the largest ALMA radio telescope in order to fix the radio emission emitted the Boomerang Nebula at a frequency of 115.2712 gigahertz. This is radiation corresponding to the microwave range, was chosen because what exactly at this frequency do carbon monoxide molecules emit. Observations using this wavelength allowed researchers see clouds of interstellar gas with a minimum interference and get the clearest images nebulae. The Boomerang Nebula five thousand light-years and observed against the background of the constellation Centaurus, was named after familiarizing scientists with the first pictures, where she looked like an Australian throwing gun. Later more high-quality images obtained by the space telescope Hubble revealed that PGC 3074547 is more like hourglass. At their center is an aging star, and both the halves are formed by matter ejected by the star.