A photo from open sources
The recently discovered exoplanet GJ 504b is a luminous dark purple ball weighing four times that of Jupiter, making it the densest planet ever spinning around a star resembling our sun. Exoplanet is spinning around a bright star in the constellation Virgo, the distance to Earth from which is 57 light years.
This star system is relatively young, she just only 160 million years old, while the age of our earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Planet GJ 504b is a colder world than astronomers suspected about it says its dark purple hue captured by a telescope “Subaru” in Hawaii. Scientists believe that if we could go on this giant planet, we would see the formation of a mysterious a world radiating in dark cherry color. Although it is the smallest and an alien world that revolves around a star like ours To the sun, this find very pleased scientists. She lets look back into the past and see on its example the formation and the development of our solar system. Telescopes record that gases around the planet GJ 504 is still very much – this suggests that the planet and the star system are still at their early stages development. The estimated surface temperature of the exoplanet is plus 237 degrees Celsius. And her displayed color indicates that that the planet’s atmosphere has very few clouds. Existence and features of the discovered exoplanets may challenge the generally accepted model of planet formation, many researchers believe. IN according to generally accepted theory, as a result of multiple collisions of asteroids and comets the density of the planet increases, and when it becomes massive enough, its gravity attracts the gas that surrounds the young star. But this model does not explain the formation of planets like GJ 504b that are enough far from their parent star. This discovery made scientists all over the world take more seriously alternative theories the formation of stellar systems and our universe.
Translation by Sergey Vasilenkov
Exoplanet Sun