Photo from open sources
A few years ago under the heading “Top Secret” in The National Office for Space Azronautics (NASA) was stored sensational information. August 9, 1973 from space Skylab-2 spacecraft astronauts relayed a message that stunned everyone US Space Research Lab. In him it was said: “Hell is in the middle of the sun. We see how they burn the dead. We see hell. “The connection was interrupted for a few seconds, and then the messengers of the earth passed from outer space normal flight data, as if there wasn’t before sensational message. NASA Specialists Long 16 Years denied all rumors about this event. But in 1985, American World Science magazine lifted the veil of secrecy. Incredible a message from the Skylab-2 crew turned out to be published and terrified people. In August 1978, astronauts, being on aboard a spaceship, explored solar flares at the help of a spectroheliograph, which noted all the changes on photographic film. During this observation, a celestial body occurred explosion of tremendous power. From the depths of the fireball to 800 thousand kilometers (!) Helium column rushed up. And suddenly in front of Dumbfounded observers, the liquid gas stream froze. As much as 70 seconds the device recorded a nightmare vision: on this pillar of fire hundreds of thousands of human faces appeared, tormented by eternal flame. At first, the astronauts thought it was a hallucination, but face images were very clear. Astronauts saw what, according to the opinion of atheists does not exist – hell. According to the magazine, in present data obtained by the Americans carefully are being studied. Purgatory Ten Years After sensational reports some American publications told readers about another fantastic event. Using specially created equipment and telescope for infrared observations radiation, NASA researchers photographed a strange film phenomenon: the ghosts of dead people soared in outer space and animals. This event caused a sharp disagreement between representatives of official science, parapsychologists and ministers Churches. But in one, they were all one: the photograph is genuine! One of members of the official panel of experts said: “We have long been aware of the existence of ghosts. Back in May 1993, we were able to see these creatures in space using the Hubble telescope … however, the manual NASA and the government decided to keep this information secret until while it will be possible to explain to people what these luminous formations in the shape of a man. First shots unknown scientists received when they investigated the influence of the sun on the planet Neptune. The photographs clearly showed many luminous human bodies. Opinions of scientists on this The occasion was mixed. Pedro Garcia, a Spanish theologian, believes: “This part of the universe is purgatory – a place between heaven and hell. Here the souls of the dead await judgment for their earthly affairs. ” Another famous American physicist who wished to preserve incognito, said: “These forms are the result of electrical impulses – the true essence of life, which has no beginning or end. When people die, the electricity of the body goes into space. And this all. “The author of 11 books on alien civilizations, Dr. Alan de Aviary, concluded that the forms visible in photographs are not other than extraterrestrial beings … Despite many different opinions, one thing is obvious – to the existing secrets of mankind a new one was added. On this occasion, a NASA spokesman said: “For its resolution hard work is now being carried out despite huge costs. “Perhaps in the near future, residents of our planets and the most incredible results will be known, but flatter yourself in this regard is not worth it. The military, as you know, can keep secrets. In search of paradise, NASA left no comment astounding fact: American astronaut Charles Ginson stayed in space … 28 years! NASA individuals claim that a similar case is not provided for explanation, and the official representative this organization said: “We have lost contact with the commander spacecraft by C. Ginson 3 hours 58 minutes after start. Since the mission was a secret, we could not report it. publicly. In our documents, Charles Ginson appears as a person, missing without a trace. That was until March 26, 1991. That spring a day, almost 28 years after the astronaut disappeared into outer space, one US Navy received a radiogram C. Ginson. Shortly after, a capsule was found in the ocean Gemini with an astronaut on board. The question arises as an astronaut could exist in the space abyss for 28 years with a supply of fuel, food and water for only half a year? Without the participation of some “extraterrestrial” forces this is unthinkable! In this mysterious case, the official version of NASA is not exist. A spaceship with an astronaut on board launched military, so everything is covered in mystery. Documents regarding this events disappeared with the archive. There’s not even evidence that Ginson was in NASA, although all the older employees are good remember him. Charles Ginson was quarantined at Edwards Air Force Base California The astronaut and Gemini have been carefully studied. Specially the created group of psychoanalysts tried to get from Ginson Details of his fantastic adventure. – Physically, he feels good, but completely disoriented, told reporters NASA employee. – Does not give an account in his absence on Earth in for a long time. The mental state of an astronaut leaves much to be desired; his words cannot be tied into one whole. To the question, where was he, did he communicate with the inhabitants of space or with any “supernatural” powers, Ginson invariably answered: “Never again! … You must understand … These are your enemies.” Further questions caused tantrum and cry. Famous Polish Mage Krzysztof Bullishko through the media said then that soon the astronaut will speak, and what he tells will shock society. However, much more time has passed, and new information about the 28-year-old space voyage did not appear. May be, this is directly related to the discovery in space of hell and purgatory. It is likely that C. Ginson traveled to paradise as he returned alive to earth. But where is this paradise then? And is it there well, if the astronaut exclaimed: “Never again!”.
NASA Time Telescope Sun