Scott Waring: Curiosity captured on Mars “living creature with eyes”

Scott Waring:A photo from open sources

Famous Taiwanese ufologist, conspiracy therapist and virtual archaeologist Scott Waring claims that he is now fully convinced of the existence of life on the Red Planet. According to a popular researcher, his new amazing find sheds light on how it looks Martians. The potentially sensational discovery of a specialist caused real buzz on many World Wide Web resources UFOs, aliens and supernatural phenomena.

June 13 this year, the NASA Curiosity rover made more hundreds of photographs of the surface of Mars, and on one of them, if you believe Waring, suddenly something very strange was captured. Planet rover photographed the same thing twice at a short interval a place. The first shot doesn’t show anything remarkable, however, in the second frame, it is not known where the incomprehensible appeared whitish spot with two dark dots suspiciously similar to eyes.

This, as the shocking ufologist suggests, is the representative Martian civilization. Why not, Scott asks? After all on a planet far from us, where there are completely different conditions for life and evolution, complex organisms must evolve differently, than on earth. Perhaps this is a bright “big-eyed spot”, consisting not from matter, not from their pure energy, is much more a perfect being than you and me. However, Waring doesn’t exclude that we can talk about some Martian animal or insect. This is what the researcher writes on his official website:

“Curiosity” managed to photograph something on Mars with eyes. I looked over a hundred photos of this place (rover spent some time there) and noticed among the stones amazing an anomaly that clearly cannot be a reflection of light in lens or defective shooting. Perhaps this is some kind of animal, ran in front of the camera. If so, then it must have been very easy and fast. Perhaps it resembles terrestrial lizards capable of disappear buried in the sand. This is another proof that that life is boiling on Mars, and the American national space agency, as always, hides from us this interesting fact.

Life Mars Scott Waring Mars Rover Curiosity

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