Scott Waring discovered the emerald on the moon town”

Scott Waring discovered on the moonPhoto from open sources

Famous Taiwanese ufologist Scott Waring announced his new amazing find. According to the researcher, he considered 18 July moon shots taken by the American national space agency, and discovered something that he could in Selena call only the “emerald city.”

A photo from open sources

It’s about a few greenish, rainbow and dark domes, similar to some futuristic settlement. Specialist never not shy about making the most daring assumptions, he said so – before us is the lunar city of representatives of extraterrestrial civilization! Here what Waring writes on his official website:

I do not understand why astronomers around the world ignore similar objects. However, some studies conducted by me and my colleagues, show that NASA pays a lot of money to many observatories so that they do not disseminate information about such finds. It is we, the public, who are obligated to disseminate the truth about the existence of aliens at our side. The truth lies in the fact that any planet in the solar system, including The moon (even the sun itself), inhabited by sentient beings, ahead of us in development: technologically and spiritually. And you can to guess why they refuse to go out with us contact.

Luna Scott Waring

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