Second Earth Found in Cygnus

A second Earth is found in the constellation CygnusPhotos from open sources by scientists based on data obtained using Kepler telescope, the latest exoplanet catalog has been published visible universe available to study modern astronomical science. Among the discovered celestial bodies, attention Researchers were attracted to a planet that in almost everything resembles our The earth.

This exoplanet (Kepler 452b), discovered in the constellation Cygnus, one thousand four hundred light-years separate us. She logs in. stars like the sun, which only slightly exceeds our size was luminous, but ten percent brighter than it.

Kepler 452b is at a sufficient distance from its Sun, so that the water (if it is on the planet) retained the temperature needed to maintain biological life is not too hot and not too cold. In astronomy, this is optimal. the distance from the central star in the planetary system is called zones of life. That is why scientists decided that the Kepler 452b is an exoplanet of the terrestrial type, but most likely to find signs on it intelligent life will not succeed.

The fact is that the discovered exoplanet revolves around a star that is one and a half billion years older than our sun. This the old star heats more and more, nullifying Favorable living conditions for the Kepler 452b. According to scientists, if they discovered the planet and covered once the seas and oceans, now water from its surface irrevocably evaporates.

Unfortunately, the same thing ultimately awaits the Earth: the Sun in billions of years, it will age and become so hot that life on our blue planet will disappear.

The exoplanet catalog that was mentioned earlier includes itself more than four thousand objects, only recently to him almost five hundred new ones were added, among which as many as twelve celestial bodies existing in planetary systems in the zone of life.

Water Life Sun Exoplanets

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