Space has always attracted and attracted man. His secrets fascinated, excited imagination, forced deeper penetrate the unknown. However the more people studied space, the more secrets he threw him. For now scientists have counted the seven main mysteries of outer space that could be disclosed over the next ten years. The first riddle: is there life on Mars? Red planet has long been a stone for scientists stumbling block. It’s not like a black hole or the Andromeda nebula, is literally at hand, but there are so many questions … The main one – Is there life on Mars? – still not solved. It is clear that there is no rational life form, at least for now. But not It’s possible that it used to be. In the earlier stages of his Mars, like Earth, could be surrounded by an atmosphere, and if there is an atmosphere, then there may be life. Photos from open sources But the Red Planet is half Earth, and this is just the case when size matters. Core Mars is much smaller than the Earth’s core, which means that it has cooled down much faster. And as soon as the core cools down, the magnetic field weakens planets, and then asteroids begin to attack it from all sides. Clash with them and turned the once prosperous Mars into lifeless desert. But is she so lifeless? Soil samples taken by the descent spacecraft indicate the presence of the enormous amount of hydrogen enclosed in ice. What if there is ice, life is possible, the whole question is in what form is … Riddle two: deviation from the norm In 1972 the Americans launched the Pioneer 10, designed to studying Jupiter. In 1983, the ship left the limits of the Solar system. On board was a plate measuring 15 x 23 cm from gold plated aluminum with engraved pictogram. On her depicts a man, woman, the Pioneer apparatus itself, as well as a diagram Earth’s location in space. According to the creators, with its help aliens will be able to get about the Earth and its inhabitants necessary information. Following the “Pioneer 10” went into space twin machine “Pioneer-11”. He also reached the vicinity of Jupiter, and then went beyond the limits of the solar system. And then what happened no one expected. The devices behaved more than strange: deviated from the course and reduced speed. As a result, the “Pioneers” went to side on … 400 000 km km! In December 1990, a similar nuisance happened with the Galileo apparatus, and in 1998 with a satellite, flying to comet Shoemaker – Levy. The system is there. But after all designers have calculated the trajectory and speed of flight of ships with maximum accuracy. What caused the deviation from the course? No one does not know. Conservative scientists blamed the solar wind, gravitational field, dark matter and much more, alternative discerned in all the machinations of extraterrestrial intelligence. But the exact answer to the question of what happened to the satellites is still not. Riddle third: cosmic invisibility Dark matter is a phenomenon above that have won the best minds for decades. He cannot be seen in telescope, it does not reflect light rays, but, according to preliminary It accounts for 70% of the matter of the universe. First talked about him Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky in the 1930s. Already then he suggested that the real mass of galaxies is much larger than the mass of what can be observed with telescopes. Later, scientists were convinced of his right. Dark matter was still not visible, but so acted on visible objects that its existence did not cause doubt. In the next ten years, experts hope to “grab her by the tail, “but so far this dark story has not cleared up; that only on hand to representatives of alternative science, who see everything intrigues of aliens. Say, it was they who were so “encrypted” and stealthily rule in space. Riddle Four: Tenth planet At the very edge of the solar system, beyond Pluto, is the Oort cloud – millions of ice blocks and comets. Under influence of solar attraction sometimes they change their orbits and “drop in” into our planetary system. So Pluto – or a planet, or a huge asteroid – “turns” toward us for a light. But this is not about him. Beyond the Oort cloud is the Kuiper belt, in which have taken refuge billions of asteroids.
Photos from open sources But behind the Kuiper belt – completely empty space. Only a planet like Earth or Mars is capable of to such an extent “clear” his way, so that under the “legs” she nothing was hanging out. Here are the experts and thought about the availability of the tenth planet, but nobody can see the mysterious stranger yet failed. Riddle Five: Hot Jupiters It’s Giant planets orbiting their stars in the immediate vicinity of them. “Eka is unseen!” – the reader will say. And it will be wrong. The amazing thing is that these planets move in their orbits in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the stars themselves. it contrary to all laws of physics, and yet the fact is clear. Such somersault says that the laws that are familiar to us are far from valid everywhere. Or maybe just our solar system is an exception to regulations? Riddle Six: Islets of Life The Biggest Question the last time: how many planets like Earth in space? IN astrophysicists no longer doubt that they exist. For october 2013 confirmed the existence of 992 exoplanets in 756 planetary systems. Their diversity is amazing.
Photos from open sources Yes, most are similar to our Jupiter Are gas giants. And the rest … Some make a turn around their sun in just a couple of earth days, shine over others two or three suns, as in the famous Avatar. There are systems in which are inhabited not by the “earth” but by the “moon” … The main thing is to find inhabited planets closer to Earth and equip expeditions there. Task not easy, but worth it. Maybe then the treasured will come true the dream of many earthlings – there are our brothers in mind. Riddle seventh: entry and exit Scientists did not have time to more or less sort it out with black holes, when white suddenly appeared. At least in constellations of the Indian, and this is 1.6 million light-years from us, some powerful x-ray flash that is impossible rank among any known species. Seven have passed since then years, and astrophysicists are all struggling to unravel the phenomenon. The only thing the explanation is the explosion of a white hole. What kind of fruit is this? White hole – the opposite of black, it doesn’t let anything in, or maybe even pushes the substance out. According to one version, a white hole is the back of the black hole. And together they are the entrance to the tunnel, connecting parts of the universe that are distant from each other. If you get into such a tunnel, you can be in a different time and in another space. In this case, the version of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations other than ours seem quite realistic. We are we are all looking for aliens in telescopes and telescopes, and they suddenly – bang! – and emerge under our nose! Andrey PALKO
Time Universe Life Mars Pluto Sun Solar System Jupiter