Someone’s skeleton discovered on Mars

A photo from open sources

This video excited the researchers and curious citizens – Curiosity rover discovered on surface of a red planet an object similar to a fossilized skeleton lizards. On bulletin boards and social networks this the find is characterized as “something paranormal.” Enlarged and detailed snapshots from published video instantly scattered on the Internet – the outlines are clearly visible on them an object that bears a striking resemblance to the fossils of the ancients creatures previously discovered on Earth. The video has been uploaded to YouTube video service February 19, and represents an increase and focusing photos taken by Curiosity rover earlier in this month. In the photo you can see the contours of the vertebrae of the unknown animal rolling in the tail, which further hides under rocky surface of Mars.

If it is proved that these are the skeletal remains of an ancient creatures, this find will be the final confirmation of the fact that, that life on Mars really was, and possibly still exist. So far, such statements can only be made with a big stretch, since this conclusion was made exclusively by visual inspection materials. Pictures of this anomaly every now and then pop-ups in Mars exploration communities are exposed careful study by avid researchers red planets that analyze each pixel in detail, sent by Curiosity digital cameras to Earth. Unusual the formation undoubtedly resembles the skeleton of spiny animals, with spiky fossilized bone structures towering above the surrounding rocks. Fancy curved structures apparently link the skeletal “spine” of the object to serpentine tail emerging from the “body” among the stones and dust. it the most provocative image that has been submitted to court public ever since the photos were posted “crystallized flower”, which, as subsequently was it turned out to be a piece of plastic from the spacecraft. Also, at one time, the discovery of a UFO caused a huge resonance, plying over the surface of Mars, which were later explained unusual refraction of rays above the surface of the planet. Nasa new does not comment on the find

Mars Mars rover Curiosity

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