Photo from open sources
Looking at Martian shots last year HiRISE camera on board the multifunctional automatic interplanetary station “Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter”, European ufologists found something strange on two frames.
NASA’s Martian reconnaissance satellite captures two fresh craters from which an incomprehensible black substance oozes. The authors finds report that one meteorite crashed into a flat area surface – and a mysterious liquid sprinkled far to the sides. The second “heavenly wanderer” hit the slope of the Martian hill – and the liquid poured abundantly down. “It’s like a sewer burst,” researchers write. In their opinion, it could be dirt, oil or some other organics. Perhaps the Red Planet is composed inside it is from such a substance.
A photo from open sources
Orthodox scholars from the American National space agencies are in no hurry to comment on these images. They probably have no acceptable explanation for this. phenomenon.
Independent researchers and ufologists are also confused, since it is difficult to interpret what has happened, even if we assume the presence of a civilization hidden somewhere in underground cities, or the same presence of aliens. Apparently, this is some kind of natural Martian phenomenon, incomprehensible to earthlings – even those who are many years old gave serious study of the Red Planet, not to mention lovers and just curious …