Something strange happens beneath the surface Saturnian “Death Star”

A photo from open sources

Something strange happens beneath the surface of the Saturnian “Death Star” – the moon of Mimas, suggests a new study. The rotation of Mimas and its orbit around Saturn force the moon wobble and hesitate like a pendulum swings. Photos from open sources Wiggle called libration and commonly observed in moons influenced by gravity neighboring planets. Using the images of the moon made by Cassini, Radwan Tadjeddin, a researcher at Cornell University, discovered that satellite librations are much more exaggerated in one place than predicted. He thinks this should be caused by weird bowels of the moon.

“We are very pleased with these measurements because they can do a lot say about the interiors of the satellite, “Tadjeddin said in his statement. “Nature essentially allows us to do the same the very thing a child does when he shakes a packaged gift in hoping to find out what is lurking inside. ”

Tajeddin and his team tested five different models of how Mimas may look below the surface to explain strong swinging. They quickly ruled out the possibility that Mimasa homogeneous insides, with two different layers or abnormal mass under the 142 kilometer crater that makes his resemblance to the Death Star from the Star Wars franchise.

A photo from open sources

However, the last two models may explain exaggerated liberation of Mimas. One idea is that the moon has an elongated, oval core. This elongation could occur under the influence of the forces of the rings of Saturn. Increased libration may also come from the bowels of the ocean, similar to that existing on a satellite Jupiter Europe.

Although it is possible, Tadjeddin suggests that the ocean is in the bowels Mimasa is an unlikely explanation. No astronomers observed signs of liquid water in Mimas, unlike some other moons Saturn.

Mimas is the smallest and closest of the eight major Saturn’s moons. Its giant funnel spans nearly a third icy satellite surface.

Moon saturn

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